Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Monday Made It!

I worked really hard on my Monday Made It this week!!  

I am a little intimidated by craft-like thingys but I went for it.  Everyone keeps talking about Mod Podge (which I had never heard about before in my life).  Well, meet my new little best friend: 

Such a cool thing to use!  Now here is what I made:

I know, right?!  I'm so impressed with myself!

I found these cute little buckets in the Dollar Section of Target (of course).  I'm pretty sure they were the last ones too!  I've always used the buckets from Target for my pencils but they never matched!  One was stripes and the other was polka dots.  Or one was red and the other blue.  Now they match!  The labels are from the wonderful Kristen over at Ladybug's Teacher Files

Again these trays are from the Dollar Section at Target.  I was drawn by the bright colors!  And I also got the labels from Ladybug's Teacher Files.

I covered the plain Dollar Store clipboards with star duct tape and wah-lah!  They are so much cuter!  I need to go get some more clipboards now!  The box is from the Dollar Section $2.50 spot at Target and guess who the label is from??  Ladybug's Teacher Files!  Thank you Kristen!!

I feel so accomplished and it's not even noon time (I even squeezed in some gym time this morning)!!  I am really excited that all my labels matched.  I think it's going to make my classroom really come together.

Now I'm off to watch the Women's Soccer Team play - so excited!  Go USA!!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Teacher Tools...at Home

Mrs. Castro is having a Totally Terrific Teacher Tools at Home linky (say that 3x fast)!

Here are three things that I have at home that I couldn't live without as a teacher:

1.  My Mac with an extra screen.  I love, love, love my Mac and would convince anyone to get one instead of a PC.  It allows for so much more creativity!  My husband hates it.  He's a computer guy and would much rather have a PC.  Having the double screen is a huge help!  It makes creating things for my classroom so much easier.

2.  Okay, I just got this and haven't even opened it yet (look for a post in the near future).  But I have a feeling I'm going to be making a lot of classroom books with this one!  I already have a project ready to go - my new calendar from Charity over at The Organized Classroom Blog!

3.  My drawers.  In here, I have printer paper, card stock, labels, business cards, photo paper, etc all organized.  I use all these things in my classroom all the time so it's nice to have it separated but all in one easy place to access.  I also just (finally) organized my closet - doesn't it look great?!

4.  I guess I should add my HP  All-In-One to this list.  I use it to make all my labels, center activities, classroom posters.  I also go through ink kinda fast.  Maybe I should dial it done a bit?

Now, one teacher tool that I would like to have at home?  Definitely a laminator!
I have an Amazon giftcard so I think I'm going to take the plunge before summer ends!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

VistaPrint Craziness!

I just went a little a LOT crazy over at VistaPrint!  I may have gotten 1 or 2...or 12 things!  And they were all free!  I was never interested in the whole owl theme that most teachers seem to have, but I saw the owl template on VistaPrint and fell in love!  I got as much as I could with these cute owls on them!!

I got business cards for student login information since we have so many computer programs.  I got the idea from Katie over at Dirty Hands and Lesson Plans.

And the holder came free, so I said, why not?

I got a stamp with my name and room number on it.  When students bring in notes from home, we have to write our name and room number on them for the office (since most parents don't do that).  This will make mornings so much easier!

 A pen with my name on it.  No one can steal it now! And it has pink and green polka dots.  Awesome.

140 Book labels so when I lend them out, I get them back!  These will probably be for my professional books that I lend to colleagues.

Another stamp!  This one is going to be for the books in my classroom library.  I'll stamp the inside of the covers.

100 No Homework Passes.  These are actually postcards.  On the front there's a spot for the student's name and on the back, it explains what they can use it for.

25 Teacher information magnets to give out on open house night for parents.

Post it notes!  Somehow I got two sets for free.

A tote bag!  It has my initial and name on it.

Car door magnet.  I'll use this to track how many minutes the students earn towards their Fun Friday.

I did have to pay about $20 in shipping because I had to put in 3 separate orders to get everything for free.  I can't wait to get my packages in the mail!!

I'm linking this up with The Learning Tree's Frugal Finds

and Christina Bainbridge's VistaPrint Fever!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Christmas Sale Extended!

What's better than 1 day of Christmas?  2 days of Christmas!!  Since TpT was down for most of the day today, I'm extending my Christmas in July sale until tomorrow.  All my seasonal items will be 20% off!

Click the picture below to check out my sales.

This summer, one of my books on my "to read" list was The Book Whisperer.  I've heard great things about it and wanted to check it out.  So I ordered it from Amazon.  I've always had good luck with Amazon.  This time, not so much.   It took almost a month for me to get it (usually I get stuff in less than a week).  And I always order books in "good" condition.  I have so many allergies that I can't handle a book that is musty, smells like cigarettes, etc.  Well this one definitely has a musty smell and...

It has a big ugly orange sticker on the cover...

And almost every single page is underlined...

or majorly highlighted...

That's not good condition!  I take such good care of my books because I treasure each and every one of them.  I understand that there are a lot of people who highlight their books and while I think that's a great idea, I don't do it and don't want it in my own books.  I'm just not happy with this.  Ok, rant over.

The content of the book?  Awesome!!  

I started this afternoon and am almost done.  It is definitely directed towards middle school teachers, but as I was reading, I came up with so many ways I can tweak it for my second graders!  Once I'm finished, I'll be back with my notes (which are definitely not written in the book)!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Christmas in July!

Christmas has come early this year my friends.  Seriously, I was in a store yesterday and saw one of the employees putting Santa Claus decorations out on the shelf.  Really?!?  Of course, there was NO patio furniture to be found, which is what I was looking for.  It's July!

Blog Hoppin is celebrating Christmas in July too!  But this is way more fun.  The button below will take you to my store where all my seasonal products will be 20% for 1 day only!  July 25th is your only chance to get these items on sale!  Stock up now! 

Hop on over to Blog Hoppin to check out the sales in the other stores:

P.S. ~ yes this is my second day in a row of posting twice in one day.  I'm going to be kicked out of the blogosphere for sure now.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Tell Me More!

Ok, I know I'm not supposed to post twice in one day.  But I've been gone for 2 weeks and I'm making up for lost time!  And I found a really fun linky party.

Mrs. Lemons is having a Tell Me More Linky Party!

Ok, here's some more about me:

1.  I'm the oldest of four, but the shortest (even with heels on!)  I love, love my siblings.  We are very close.

2.  I am a huge Red Sox fan!  My bridesmaids took me to a game for my bachelorette party!

3. I grew up in a pet-less house.  We have a lot of allergies in my family, so the only animals we ever had were fish.  My friends used to make fun of me because I had absolutely no interest in animals.  Not sure when  or why my feelings changed, but now I am a proud mommy of a cute little puppy!

4.  They always say that girls marry someone just like their dad.  I definitely did!

5. The beach is my favorite place to be!  I just got home from Hawaii, where we went to many, many beaches but my beach at home will always be my favorite!

6. Friends is my all-time favorite show.  I can quote every episode.  I watch re-runs every day!

7.  I played soccer for years.  I decided to join my husband's co-ed adult team.  I broke my wrist in the first game.  I now watch from the bleachers!

Well there you have it.  Some interesting facts about me!

Aloha! And a Freebie!

I'm back!  Back on the mainland, that is.  My husband and I had an absolutely wonderful time on our honeymoon in Hawaii.  Here are a few pics:

I got some shell necklaces :)

Those are the only pictures I have right now.  The rest are on my husband's computer.  Which is with him.  At work.  Poor thing did not want to go back to work today!

But don't worry, I'm back at work too!  Okay, technically, I'm sitting at home, with my puppy, watching The Today Show.  But!  But I am also working on stuff for my TpT Store!  I updated my Monthly Teacher Calendars.  I added monthly blank calendars that include full weeks (Sun-Sat) as well as blank calendars with school weeks (M-F).  Click the picture to see more!

I created a freebie for you too!  Here is the September versions of the calendars and calendar covers.

I added it to Manic Monday at Classroom Freebies

Check it out for lots more freebies!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th!

Happy 4th of July!!  This is my absolute favorite holiday of the whole year!  Here's a picture of my brother and my cousin (kinda) from last year:

I received a request yesterday to make some blank calendars for teachers, students and even TpT sellers to use.  I was excited - I like getting requests!  I got started right away and here's the finished product:

They are available in both of my stores:


Next up, check out Luckeyfrog's Lilypad Giveaway!

She's giving away a lot of great stuff this week!!  Hop on over and check it out!

Ok.  That's it.  I'm out.  For 2 whole weeks.  I'm headed to Hawaii bright and early tomorrow morning - woohoo!!  As much as I love blogging and TpTing (is that a word?), I've promised myself a whole two weeks off.  Completely.  Except maybe the plane ride.  It's 9 hours.  I'm deathly afraid.  I'm not scared of planes.  I'm scared of sitting still.  Eeek!

Have a great holiday and I can't wait to see you all when I get back!