Sunday, May 20, 2012

How do you spell...

Please tell me that your students ask that question just as much as mine do!  My response is always "What sounds do you hear?"  But then sometimes I get the students who are constantly asking about the SAME words.  Well, I decided to solve my own problem!  I created dictionaries for my students!  Each student has their own dictionary, which they can add words to, once they figure out how to spell it!  
I also thought this would be a great resource to add faculty and family members' names.  I've had students ask me how to spell their siblings' names...Nevaeh (Na-vy-ah)...Dulce (dul-say)...yeah, I had to ask parents for those!

My students keep their dictionaries in their desks so they are easily accessible at all times!  These would even work to create a "Class Dictionary" that all students could add to.

Check them out at my {TpT} and {TN} stores!


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