Monday, May 14, 2012

My Summer Bucket List

I'm ready for summer!  Unfortunately, I still have 20 more days (although one is a half day and one is a school-wide field trip...).  Since I'm dreaming of the beach, I'm going to link up with Hadar, Teri, and April to share My Summer Bucket List.

Work on lots of stuff for TpT!  I've had so many good ideas the past few weeks - but no time to do them!

 Head to Hawaii with my husband for our honeymoon!  I've always wanted to go to Hawaii and I am beyond excited!

Spend lots of time at both of my grandmothers' beach houses with friends and family!  

 Go through my wedding pictures and create a scrapbook (I've barely looked at them!)

And make some things for my classroom:

Source: via Sara on Pinterest


  1. Congrats on your wedding! I have always wanted to go to Hawaii! How exciting!

    Think, Wonder, & Teach

  2. Love, love, love that stool!!

    I'm also having a linky (my first) and I would love for you to join!!

    Jessica Stanford

  3. Hip, hip, hooray on the wedding and the Hawaii vacation. We just got back from Kauai. Which island are you headed to? Happy {almost} vacay!

    Kelley Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory

  4. We have pretty much the same bucket list! My husband and I are heading to Mexico for our honeymoon! :)

  5. Love that stool- too cute!! I'm a new follower!

    The Learning Tree

  6. Have a great honeymoon! I'm really excited to head to Maui!! {Squeal}

    & I love those pins!! I wish I was creative enough to make that awesome stool! :)


    1. Thanks! Isn't the stool cool? I'd love to see yours! I don't know if I'm creative enough to make it...but I have a friend who has painted other stuff for my class, maybe she'll do it for me!

  7. Oh my gosh, I LOVE your bucket list!!! Have fun on your honeymoon! That sounds like so much fun! And I love the stool! I had been wanting to paint a rocking chair or bench (summer bucket list!), but I like the idea of a stool too!! Guess I'll have to keep my eyes out and see what I can find first!!!

    Lessons with Laughter


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