Friday, February 8, 2013

Five for Friday!

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching again to share 5 random things from my week!  I don't have a lot of school stuff because I was out sick on Monday and we had a snow day today.  My co-teacher was also out on Weds/Thurs, so I had my hands full!1. I finished up my Detectives Book Club packet!  I'm so excited to start this with one of my reading groups!

2. I also created some Antsy Antonyms to go with my Sweet Synonyms.  One of my kids said, "hey, the word antonym begins with ant...that's why there are ants on the page."  Can't fool them!

3. Found the puppy all curled up in his crate (voluntarily) with his favorite toy.  This was his first toy and he sleeps with it every night.

4. I started a photo of the day project on Instagram.  So much fun!

 5. As I write this, we are being buried under 30+ inches of snow.  This is what we have so far:

I'm just hoping we don't lose power!
Happy Weekend Everyone!


  1. Jealous of your snow! We haven't seen snow down here in a few years, and I would kill for even a light dusting :)

    Teachery Tidbits

  2. I know you probably don't want it, but that snow is BEAUTIFUL!!
    and I'm loving that detective pack - I'm gonna have to go check it out :)
    The Teacher’s Cauldron

  3. 30 inches .... oh my!!! Your puppy is precious!!

  4. WOW, 30 inches of snow??? I can't even imagine! I hope you don't lose power.

    Extra Special Teaching

  5. Aww, that is so sweet he has a favorite toy! Adorable:) The snow looks so pretty, but I really dislike being cold! Stay warm and have a great weekend!


  6. Holey moley - look at that snow!! We are hitting synonyms and antonyms hard next week, so I cannot wait to check out your two packs :)

    The Brown-Bag Teacher


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