Friday, March 15, 2013

Five for Friday {Linky}

It's Friday!!  Time to share my 5 most random pictures of the week.

1.  I got a box, I got a box, I got a box hey hey hey!  Stay tuned to see what's in the box!  There may even be a surprise for you in there...

2.  In attempt to hurry spring along, I decided to finally take down my winter decorations in my classroom.  Bye, bye penguins!

3. We did Acrostic poems this week.  Here is our class example (seriously, winter, go away!):

 4.  We made towers in science this week (I'll share more later!) and today we wrote about them as a class.  I love, love my projector and my Elmo!

 5.  Last Friday night, I went to Drink and Dabble with my friends.  The concept?  Drink a little and dabble with some paint.  Now, I have never painted in my life.  Ever.  The closest thing I've ever come to painting were those painting books that already had color, you just had to paint with water.  Remember those?  Anyways, I had a nice tall glass of Coca-Cola with lemon and came up with this:

What do you think??  I'm making my husband hang it up in the house somewhere.

How was your week?  Go share it with Doodle Bugs!


  1. Your painting looks great! Way better than I could every do!

  2. The hubs and I went on a date last weekend to a painting place similar to yours... although there wasn't Coca Cola in my glass... ;) Your painting turned out MUCH better than mine, LOL!

    Happy weekend!
    Angela :)
    Hippo Hooray for Second Grade!

  3. Can't wait to see what is in the box! It sounds very exciting!

    I agree I am so over winter! Where are you Spring! I miss the warm sunshiney weather!

    Your painting came out fantastic! Drink and dabble sounds like lots of fun! It's ironic because I just bought one of those color with water books for fun to relive my childhood. I haven't seen one in years and found it at Hobby Lobby randomly.


  4. Love these ideas! Great painting...very impressive!
    I am having a “Spring Break Bucket List” linky party...stop by and link up!

    Brigid's Daily Lesson Log

  5. Your painting is really cute! I've always wanted to go somewhere like that to paint! :)

    Love your Spring acrostic poems!


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