Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Here are the winners of all my giveaways!

I've emailed all of you...if you didn't get it, please let me know! 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Last Chance for the Giveaways!

I'm back from my vacation and oh. my. goodness.  did we have a great time!  Disney World is just as magical when you're an adult as it is when you are a kid!

And our home away from home?  Uh-mazing!!

I loved my vacation but I am glad to be back home and back to blogging!  I definitely missed it!

So while I was away, I scheduled all my posts to match up with my sales in my TpT and TN stores.  Well, I don't know what happened!  I don't know if it was because blogger got a makeover this week or what, but all my posts got mixed up!  It published some of my posts in the same day (even though they were scheduled for different days) and some didn't even post at all!  I apologize for breaking the cardinal rule of blogging!  I hope you will all forgive me!

Thank you all for stopping by during my classroom tour and for all your kind words!  I work very hard on my classroom and am very proud of it (as I'm sure you all are too)!   Thank you for all your questions as well, look for answers throughout my blog in the next few weeks!

Don't forget to enter my giveaways (yes, that is plural), you have only a few more hours!  

My goal is to pick winners by Tuesday, however, I may lose my internet tomorrow and not get it back until we finalize our move into our new house on Sunday.  I'll try my best to choose winners, but please be patient with me!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Grand Giveaway!

To celebrate the end of my week-long tour, I'm giving away all the units I featured this week to one lucky person!

You can enter to win the individual giveaways by clicking on each picture:

You have until Sunday at midnight to enter the giveaways from the past week.  Those are the easy entries!

To enter the GRAND GIVEAWAY, here's what to do...

1. One comment for following my TpT Store.
2. One comment for following my TN Store.
3. One comment for following my FB page.
4. Two comments for blogging about my giveaway.

You have 5 chances to win all 5 of my units!  All giveaways end on Sunday night at midnight.  I will choose all the winners by Tuesday evening.

Good luck and thank you for joining me this week!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

It's All About Math

We are getting close to the end of my classroom tour!  That also means I'm almost done with my vacay...say it isn't so!  Here are some math things in my classroom.

We use a lot of manipulatives with Everyday Math, our math program.  And, well, you're probably catching on that I am neat and organized!  I have all the items in bins, labeled and ready to go!  The kids know where everything is and where to return it when they are done.  So independent - I love it!

Close up of the bins...

This year, I've also been creating anchor charts and visuals for my students to go along with our math program.  I have them all displayed on my closet doors for them to access when they need extra support.

Another part of our math programs is a computer activity called Math Reflex (learn about it here).  The students chart their progress.  On the left is how many facts each child has learned and on the right is how fluent they are in their math facts.  They each get a post-it note and they move it up when they reach a milestone in the program.  The percentage in the middle is how fluent the class is overall.  We need to be at 100% by the end of the year - I don't think we are going to make it!

Today's giveaway guessed it...math-related!  I'm giving away my All About Fractions In Action packet!

All you have to do is leave me a comment - tell me anything!  I'll choose a winner when I return from vacation.  

Write, Right?

This post has been moved to my new blog, The Colorful Apple.  Check it out here!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Read to Succeed!

This post has been moved to my new blog, The Colorful Apple.  Check it out here!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Gooood Morning!

This post can now be found at my new blog, The Colorful Apple.  Click here to read it.  Enjoy!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sales, Giveaways and a Tour!

I'm on my way to sunny Florida as you read this because I'm finally on break!  Since I am so excited to be on vacation, I thought I'd pass some happiness your way too!  Here's what is in store for this week:

1. Tour of my classroom
2. Giveaways with each post 
3. A {TpT} and {TN} sale!  

While I'm away, I thought I'd share different parts of my classroom with you.  I started blogging right after school started in the fall and didn't get a chance to share my room with all of you.  I will probably change it again before next year (I love to re-arrange!) so here are some pictures (and explanations) of how it looks now.

This is what you see when you walk in:

To your left...

And to your right...

This is a view looking towards the door...

And here is the back wall...

Yes, I have a HUGE classroom and I don't ever take that for granted!  Some of the upper grades in my school have much smaller rooms (and more kids).

I have a very open floor-plan this year because I have a kiddo who uses a wheelchair/crutches/walker.  I need there to be enough space for her to move about independently in the room.

I'm working on adding color to my room.  I like things to be bright and welcoming!  I also can't function if there is a mess, so my room is neat, neat, neat!  I've even trained my kids to be as obsessive compulsive and organized as me!

Speaking of's giveaway is My Blogging Calendar!  I created this to help me organize my blog posts and TpT/TN sales.  There's just so much to do and I always forgot when I get to my computer!

All you have to do to enter, is leave a comment.  Tell me anything!  The winner will be chosen when I return from vacation.

Come back soon to learn more about my classroom and to enter to win another giveaway!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

If you work with little kids...

...then you will definitely enjoy this video!  My brother shared it with me over the weekend and told me I should try this experiment with my kiddos.  I laughed so hard!

Wasn't that great?  I love little kids!

It's been a crazy couple of weeks which means very little blogging from me!  I miss catching up on what you all are doing out there in your classrooms!  But working hard on my new house means I'll have my very own office (with a brandy new desk) soon!  I'm so excited!

While I've been kinda MIA, I've reached 300 followers, 100 blog posts and almost 200 fans at TpT - wowza!  I'll be using next week to celebrate...come join me!

Starting this Saturday, I'll be posting photos of my classroom all week.  Each post comes with a giveaway (and a very big one at the end).  My stores will also be having sales throughout the week as well!  Just a small token of my great appreciation!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

A Virtual Game of Tag

This house stuff sure does keep me busy!  It's a lot of hard work but it's coming along great!  While I have a rare minute, I'm going to join the tag game.  I was tagged by four wonderful bloggers so I'll answer a few questions from each since 40 questions would be a lot!  And, I'm not going to lie, I totally picked my favorite questions!

So go check out these awesome blogs (and then come back and read my answers!)

1.  What does a typical morning breakfast look like for you?
I have to eat breakfast every morning or you will have one unhappy Sara on your hands.  It's always lukewarm oatmeal (apparently the hot version give me heartburn) and a glass of juice or milk.  That's it.  As much as I have to eat breakfast, I can't eat a big breakfast.  Makes me sick.  

2. Nicest thing that a parent has ever said to you?
I love when parents tell me that they're child is excited to come to school and enjoys being in my class.

3.  What’s your favorite subject to teach?
I love, love, love to teach reading.  I really enjoy reading out loud to my kids and discussing their thinking as we read.  So much fun!

4. Favorite TV show?
If you follow my Currently's each month, you know it's Friends!  I also love Big Bang Theory.  But that's about it.  I'm not a fan of the television.

5. Favorite sports team?
Boston Red Sox!

6. Travel by:plane, train, bus, or automobile?
I really enjoy flying.  I know, weird, huh?  Most people hate it.  I am a little nervous about my 13 hour trip to Hawaii this summer, though.  I don't sit still well.

7. Board games or video games?
I hate video games!  I think they ruin your brain.  On the other hand, I own about 20 board games.  It's my favorite thing to do when we have friends over.  So many laughs!

8.  What’s your favorite season?  Reason?
The fall is my favorite.  I love back to school time.  It makes me think of new beginnings (new year's doesn't haha).  It's also so beautiful here in New England to see the leaves change.

I'll come back another night and tag people to play but it's date night with my hubby and I'm supposed to be getting dressed!  Thanks for inviting me to play ladies!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Currently

Soo I really wanted to blog tonight but I was too tired to think of anything good to share.  Enter Farley...

It's the April currently!  It's a beautiful sight.  I am not a fan of March (especially this year).  So glad it's over!