Fire Safety Week was last week, but we had our assembly today since we were testing last week. This is, by far, the best assembly we have all year. I love it. The kids love it. It sends such an important message.
We start off in the gym, where the town firefighters go over the importance of fire safety with the students. They then put their firefighter suits on to show the students what they look like and what purpose they serve. They point out that firefighters are not scary and that you should not run away from them during an emergency.
Then the students get to meet Sparky, the fire dog.
Next, we go outside where the firetrucks and ambulances are set up in the parking lot. This prompts a lot of "whoaahs" from the students.
They get to squirt the fire hose.
They go inside the ambulance.
And they go in the fire truck as well.
The brave teachers got to climb to the top of the ladder truck.
I was NOT one of those teachers.
At each station, the firefighters explain what the trucks are for and all the equipment inside. The students get to explore the trucks and ask questions. It really is an awesome assembly.